
Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I've been Playing with some logos lately here are a couple, I'm not suer if I am looking for a bottle label, or a recognizeable logo for my brewery.

Please leave some comments/suggestions.

Obviously the set of three are basiclaly the same, but done differently.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bottle harvesting Rogue Pacman yeast.

I made a trip to Total Wine & Spirits yesterday and picked up a six pack of New Belgium Ranger IPA, a six pack of Great Divide Wild Raspberry Ale, and a bomber of Rogue Somer Orange Honey Ale. I wanted to attempt harvesting yeast from the bottle, so I decided to try and propagate the Pacman yeast which is Rogue Brewery's signature strain, and is sold as a seasonal or VSS (Very Special Strain) strain by Weast Laboratories, Inc.