
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Keg/ Carboy Washer

Hey all, it has been a while since I have bad!  Without sounding like a broken record school and family takes up about 99% of my time, with the other 1% is being my time, and I don't always get around to posting to my blog.

At any rate.  I have brewed a Belgian Wit since my last post, it is becoming a spring seasonal that I seem to brew each March/April.  Since I was working on Big Brew Day I had to brew something on the bigger side.   Just yesterday I brewed 10 gallons of a Belgian Tripel, and split it into two fermenters, one was inoculated with WLP 540, and the other with WLP 550.  The 550 started sooner despite the higher "optimum" fermentation temperature, but it was also two months fresher.  Regardless, both fermenters are going strong and all I have left to do is add the ridiculous amount of sucrose (2.5 lbs/ fermenter).

So that is my update, now to the purpose of this posting...keg/carboy washer.  Unlike many of my other builds I did not document this one with photos like many of my other posts.  I didn't because this is so simple a monkey could do it.  However, here is a parts list:

Here is a quick video of the washer in action:

This has made keg and carboy washing bearable.  I would highly recommend this to any brewery if there is kegging involved, multiple batches per brew day, large batches (using more than one fermenter at a time), and anyone that would like to save their back and some elbow grease.

I hope you enjoyed this, Please comment, and please +1 if this was helpful or informative.


  1. Great blog, I wash mine at a Washing Company

    1. That's a nice idea, it's always better to have some profesionnals tools.

  2. Your washing company are they working all around the Quebec ?
